Personal Training
Personal training is practical, functional, and geared to your unique needs and goals. Reduced to the essentials, we offer you a customized workout. Individual training programs help you quickly and efficiently build your body and feel good. No matter what your focus is – with my know-how, I support you in reaching your goals and keeping them in the long run! Folgende Trainingseinheiten, als Abo oder Einzeltraining, können Sie bei uns buchen:
- 30 min 60 Eur
- 45 min 75 Eur
- 60 min 95 Eur
Movement Training
The goal is to create physical balance through functionality, variety of movement, and a holistic workout to develop new body awareness and a sense of direction. “If you want to build strength, it’s essential to understand that the two pillars on which proper fitness is based are stability and mobility.
- 30 min 60 Eur
- 45 min 75 Eur
- 60 min 95 Eur
EMS Training
Only some people can find the time to go to the gym three or four times a week for an intense workout. Often, work, family, and other social commitments take up so much time that exercise gets short shrift and hardly finds a place. With an EMS workout with the Miha Bodytec at De MediciMovement & Spa, we give you an effective workout program that you can complete in just 20 minutes. Your intensive workout through EMS training in the Old Town
- 30 min 45 Eur
- 5 x 30 min 200 Eur
- 10 x 30 min 350 Eur
Outdoor Training
Experience our outdoor workout surrounded by like-minded people in a unique atmosphere! Find the fun in sports and keep fit through summer and winter with us, focusing on muscle and conditioning for your next surf, skate, or snowboard experience. No more endlessly forking over for sweaty gyms or stuffy indoor classes; we look forward to seeing you!
- 30 min 60 Eur
- 45 min 75 Eur
- 60 min 95 Eur
Want to improve your performance, feel healthier and in better shape, or shed a few pounds? No problem! Ten-week program 1 x per week From 0 to 5 kilometers! This course will introduce you to running with professional competence and joy. The proper technique will strengthen your muscles and improve endurance, reducing tension and stress. Coordination and strength exercises round out the training session. Come to rest after your course and relax in our spa area.
- 30 min 60 Eur
- 45 min 75 Eur
- 60 min 95 Eur
Train muscles, build strength, and promote health. Set the foundation for a better quality of life. Try our strength training at De Medici Movement Club. Gain strength in a short time. 2x 30 minutes of strength training per week has proven to be the optimal dose to strengthen your muscles and promote health.
- 30 min 60 Eur
- 45 min 75 Eur
- 60 min 95 Eur
Fitness-Boxen Classic
- 30 min 60 Eur
- 45 min 75 Eur
- 60 min 95 Eur
TRX Training
- 30 min 60 Eur
- 45 min 75 Eur
- 60 min 95 Eur
- 30 min 60 Eur
- 45 min 75 Eur
- 60 min 95 Eur
Yoga promotes health on all levels: Meditative exercises relieve physical tension and affect intellectual and emotional levels. Yoga exercises connect, harmonize and provide new strength to the body, mind, and emotions. This power gives us calmness in thinking and efficiency in acting, enabling us to deal with stress better.
- 30 min 60 Eur
- 45 min 75 Eur
- 60 min 95 Eur